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Ortho-Graphix logo! Boosting Orthographic Knowledge - Including ALL Learners - NeuroReadies

Orthographic Mapping Tool

Type words and see the graphemes. You can change the mapping of words locally: if you think any words have been mapped incorrectly in the Word Bank let us know! See any words in red? Let us know. 

Enjoy experimenting with the Code Mapping Tool below, even with its limited capabilities. The option to subscribe for mapping unlimited text, and to copy the orthographically mapped text into a document, from this site,  available soon! Or use TODAY within the ICRWY Lessons app

You will need these 2 core resources along with the Monster Sounds (SSP Spelling Piano app for tablets) and the Map and Drag Tool.

Tips: Let the mapping of speech sounds (phonemes) and Sound Pics (graphemes) become something you explore daily!
Become a Word Mapping Guru for your students, and face the orthographic interference YOU face as a skilled reader!
Download and subscribe monthly to the ICRWY Lessons app: this allows you to copy Code Mapped text  in the ICRWY Lessons app
(Subscriber Mapping Tool Section)
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